
What is Neel UI?

Neel UI is a collection of reusable Svelte components designed for building web applications. It's easy to use and customizable, combining the simplicity of Svelte with the styling power of Tailwind CSS. This makes Neel UI components not only lightweight but also fast.

The stylization of Neel UI components doesn't mean they must be used as-is; rather, they serve as a starting point for your own customizations. They provide a solid foundation and can be tailored to meet specific needs.

A key difference between Neel UI and other alternatives is its approach to component architecture. Unlike libraries that focus on primitives, Neel UI doesn’t require learning a new primitive API.

You can integrate Neel UI components into your projects just as you would with any other Svelte component. While Neel UI includes APIs, they are straightforward and not the central aspect of the library.


Why not package the components as a SvelteKit dependency?

By design, Neel UI components are meant to be used as a starting point for your own components. We give you the source code directly in your project when you install Neel UI. This allows you to customize the components to fit your needs.

Can I use this?

Yes! Neel UI is open source and free to use. You can use it in your personal and commercial projects. Please let us know if you build something cool with Neel UI, we would love to see it!

Why's the dark mode so finicky?

For the documentation website implementation, I wanted to get it out as fast as possible so you can preview dark mode and light mode components. We will soon integrate `mode-watcher` and will make it seem very seamless. For now, you can toggle dark mode by clicking the moon icon in the top right corner.